Dipl.-Kfm. Tobias Scherner
Former Member
Refereed Publications
Scherner, Tobias; Muntermann, Jan; Roßnagel, Heiko . 2009.; "Integrating Value-Adding Services into an Emergency Management System for Tourist Destinations", Verona, Italy.
Scherner, Tobias; Muntermann, Jan . 2008.; "Sustainable Growth for the Pacific-Asia Tourism Industry: Addressing Natural Disasters and Business Opportunities with Mobile ICT", Suzhou, China.
Radmacher, Mike; Zibuschka, Jan; Scherner, Tobias; Fritsch, Lothar; Rannenberg, Kai . 2008.; "Identitätsmanagement und Privatsphäre. Vertrauen und Kontrolle in Mobilen Contentumgebungen", In: Prozessgestaltung in der Medienproduktion. Neue Geschäftsmodelle und Technologien für Mobile Portale und HD Broadcast, Eds. , GITO, Berlin, Germany.
Kosta, Eleni; Zibuschka, Jan; Scherner, Tobias; Dumortier, Jos . 2008.; "Privacy issues in location based services - Legal considerations on privacy-enhancing Location Based Services using PRIME technology", Computer Law & Security Report, (24:2), pp. 137-146..
Zibuschka, Jan; Radmacher, Mike; Scherner, Tobias; Rannenberg, Kai . 2007.; "Empowering LBS Users: Technical, Legal and Economic Aspects", The Hague, Netherlands.
Zibuschka, Jan; Fritsch, Lothar; Radmacher, Mike; Scherner, Tobias; Rannenberg, Kai . 2007.; "Enabling Privacy of Real-Life LBS: A Platform for Flexible Mobile Service Provisioning", Sandton, South Africa.
Zibuschka, Jan; Fritsch, Lothar; Radmacher, Mike; Scherner, Tobias; Rannenberg, Kai . 2007.; "Privacy-Friendly LBS: A Prototype-supported Case Study", CO, USA.
Scherner, Tobias . 2007.; "Enabling Efficient and Privacy-friendly Location-based Services with Standardized Intermediary Infrastructures", Colorado, USA.
Radmacher, Mike; Zibuschka, Jan; Scherner, Tobias; Fritsch, Lothar; Rannenberg, Kai . 2007.; "Privatsphärenfreundliche topozentrische Dienste unter Berücksichtigung rechtlicher", Karlsruhe, Germany.
Kosta, Eleni; Zibuschka, Jan; Scherner, Tobias; Dumortier, Jos . 2007.; "Privacy-enhancing user-friendly Identity Management for Location Based Services using PRIME technology – A legal discussion", Beijing, China.
Zibuschka, Jan; Scherner, Tobias; Fritsch, Lothar; Rannenberg, Kai . 2006.; "Towards a Unified Interface for Privacy Regulation-conformant Location-based Services", http://www.w3.org/2006/07/privacy-ws/, Ispra, Italy.
Scherner, Tobias . 2006.; "Privacy as an enabler for new communities - an example of a leisure-time community", FIDIS, Långholmen, Sweden.
Scherner, Tobias; Zibuschka, Jan; Rannenberg, Kai . 2006.; "Präsentation: Ortsbasierte Dienste unter Nutzung verschiedener mobiler Infrastrukturen", In: DIN Workshop Ortsbasierte Dienste unter Nutzung verschiedener mobiler Infrastrukturen, u.a. Ad-hoc Networking, Eds. , Berlin, Germany.
Roßnagel, Heiko; Scherner, Tobias . 2006.; "Secure Mobile Notifications of Civilians in Case of a Disaster", pp. 33-42, Crete, Greece.
Fritsch, Lothar; Scherner, Tobias; Rannenberg, Kai . 2006.; "Von Anforderungen zur verteilten, Privatsphären-respektierenden Infrastruktur", Praxis der Informationsverarbeitung und Kommunikation, Mannheim, Germany.
Scherner, Tobias; Fritsch, Lothar . 2005.; "Notifying Civilians in Time - Disaster Warning Systems Based on a Multilaterally Secure".
Fritsch, Lothar; Scherner, Tobias . 2005.; "Schutz der Privatsphäre wahren: Sichere Bevölkerungswarnung per Handy", WIK - Zeitschrift für Sicherheit in der Wirtschaft, (3:), Ingelheim, Germany.
Fritsch, Lothar; Scherner, Tobias . 2005.; "A Multilaterally Secure, Privacy-Friendly Location-based Service for Disaster Management and Civil Protection", pp. 1130-1137, La Réunion, France.
Working Papers
"D2.4 Requirements", PICOS.
Scherner, Tobias; Fritsch, Lothar . 2007.; "Early evaluation of security functionality in software projects - some experience on using the common criteria in a quality management process", In: Hochschulschriften der Johann Wolfgang Goethe - Universität, Eds. , Frankfurt, Germany.